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Wednesday, April 2, 2008

The First Amendment

As with all American who have not completely failed Government and History classes their whole life, I am sure that you know what the First Amendment Reads. But in case you might have forgotten here it is one more time.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. "

Wow, I have this warm fuzzy feeling right now, I can type whatever I want and am cloaked by those few words. Those same words get me agitated and spitting fire. There are those who think that cloak of security applies to them when they are busy bashing this country. Well, let me just tell you how I feel about that...

If you are in MY country because WE have given you political asylum, DO NOT THINK that you can use the first Amendment as a shield for bashing our policy of warmongering and our aggressive actions against the country you fled from with you life. If things were so bad that you feared for your life and came here, applied for and was granted political asylum, you are just as much to blame as we are when it comes down to the Good Ol' USA attacking YOUR Country. We wouldn't know about the problems in your country if you were not over here sniveling about the terrible conditions. Go back and fix the problems of your Motherland if you don't like how we are doing it, we will gladly revoke your status here.

If you are here Illegally, stop whining about all the things this country doesn't do for you. You don't pay taxes, you have not done the necessary paper work to get any kind of temporary status, so from where I sit as a descendant of legal immigration; Do it right or GO HOME! My tax dollars have better things to do than to provide you with free health care and the other benefits that you seek.

For those of you that are immigrants, which of course I realize is the majority of the people in this country, let me tell you about your responsibilities. YOU and ONLY YOU are responsible to teach your kids their heritage; no way shape or form is the public school system responsible to teach your kids their heritage or native language! I was not taught my heritage or the languages of my ancestors by the public school system, but they did teach me everything I needed to know to be a productive member of society. Learn and teach your heritage on your OWN time, the school system has a big enough job educating our children without having to turn them into multi-lingual, political astute and correct individuals.

Now for those that are Native to this land, I know you still have this chip on your shoulder and think the Government should continue to pay you for the land that we "stole" from you. The only problem is that you lost the war, had you won than you would be telling us what to do and we would be living under your rules. When we fought for our independence from the dreaded British we did it because we didn't want to live under their rules and leadership; and since we won we now enjoy our sovereign rights and self rule; You want to be sovereign you know what you need to do.

Oh you thought you were safe? Think again, now I turn my tongue towards you apathetic whiners that call this country Your Homeland. You whine and snivel about the cost of fuel, taxes and the basic necessities of life; but guess what...IT IS YOUR FAULT! We want an increase in minimum wage, which we get and that results in the dreaded 'I' word, which causes companies to take their manufacturing elsewhere which causes unemployment, which leads to a negative economical trend and eventually becomes the 'R' word. And now we are all looking forward to the 'Economic Incentive Checks' that the government has decided to give each and everyone one of us tax paying Citizens; Ever wonder where this money is going to come from? Yeah, that is right; Just print a little more, devalue the dollar even more, after all it is just paper and we can print more of it.

We need to come together and start making some better decisions, kick the free loaders back to their countries of origin, deport those that are here illegally, give the leaders of the Country a pay cute (after all if they can afford a $4300/hour 'Escort' I think we are over paying them a little), develop alternatives to foreign oil so we are not constantly required to spend time, money and citizens to maintain that flow of oil our way, take away the large tax breaks to giant corporations who are not using American Citizens as their work force and in general take control of our economic destiny.

That my friends is all made possible by the blood of Patriots that fought, both to obtain and preserve the Bill of Rights. Never forget those who gave their lives so that we might experience liberty.

"It is not the fact of liberty but the way in which liberty is exercised that ultimately determines whether liberty itself survives." - Dorothy Thompson


Anonymous said...

Wheu!!! That is a load off your mind! Now I have to worry about it!!! Glad that you have such good vocal cords about our beloved land! Also glad you are for it, because if you were bashing, I can't imagine it standing!!! Go get 'em!!! Love Auntie N

<3 Sierra said...

I agre with you! Completely! Oh, and I'm glad you are on our side too! :D

Anonymous said...

Wow!! Did you write all that?? Someone has too much time on their hands. =) =) Good tho....