Well, if the past two weeks are any indication of what the fire season is going to be like this year, WOW! Spent eleven hours working a water fill site for a 'little' grass fire today.Lots of access issues and very unfavorable weather conditions made for a very interesting day. Right after this picture, I dropped my camera into a mud puddle. I was completely disappointed, but it appears the only damage was a lot of sand stuck to the camera. Still managed to get a few pictures.
Yeap, count them not one but two DNRC helicopters working the fire. Normally we don't get priority when we request an airship, so getting one is a difficult task. We lucked out that both of them were just sitting and waiting for an IA.
Sorry, I missed the water drop but thought it was a good video anyways. Nothing quite like sitting on top of the tender/pumper and getting pictures of all the action two miles away. Yeah, I know it IS a SHAME that I wasn't any closer to the action. At least my rig still had both mirrors, front bumper, pump engine and all its accessories at the end of the incident, unlike some of the other apparatus on the fire ground.
I need to get in the habit of looking at your blog daily since you update so frequently! You make me laugh! What luck that you didn't ruin your camera. What kind do you have? I saw a YouTube video of someone puring all sorts of stuff on a Nikon (D3 I think), then they poured abuot a gallon of water over it to clean it off, dried it and started snapping pictures.
You all look like you are having fun at the fire house!
Fujifilm A900 - Not a DSLR camera by any stretch, but it fits in the pocket and takes decent pictures. Oh and it appears to survive mud puddles as well. Ha Ha Ha!
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