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Thursday, December 20, 2007

Bah Humbug!

I love this time of year, all the hustle bustle and rudeness. It seems like every one gets all into the need to give gifts and forget that maybe giving a little bit of courtesy while shopping goes light years beyond that perfect gift that you got at half price. Last night after work I stopped by the store to pick up meats and cheese to assemble a meat and cheese tray for work. Since I wasn't picking up much I decided that I didn't need a cart, which was a mistake. While not having the cart made me more mobile and easier to get around it just about cost me some limbs. The cart would have given the rude customers something to run into instead of running me over with their carts when they are trying to force their way through the crowd of shoppers. Once again, I am reminded why I like to hide this time of year and stay away from society. For all those out there who still have shopping to do, watch out for the three cart pile up on aisle 10.


<3 Sierra said...

You have a point! :D I'm usually sick of Christmas Carols by Dec 2! Oh, well, such is life! :D

Wrena said...

LOL!!! I get the point and ditto!!! Last year Wauren got ran over in the craft store, not to mention that this paticular store has horrable manners, as far as the staff goes. The atmosphere is terrable as it is not to mention once again the customers "this time of year" ramble ramble but giving is kindness too, I agree.

Anonymous said...

It is quite an amazing thing that every one thinks they have the right of way and you are supposed to wait for them - but it seems that is the way it is. The thing I almost get run over with most often is the electric carts... they seem to think they automatically have the right of way!! So far I have been able to break and avoid collision but...

Have a great week anyway -

Love Auntie M