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Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Wow, such Stupidity!

I have been following a news story that has absolutely irked me. Maybe even to the point of making a weekly rant, but for now I will just vent a little. Obviously, 'someone' has not earned the right to teach a firearm safety course when they are negligent in handing a firearm themselves. I can't believe a Police Chief would show this much disrespect for his own firearm and the students in the class to not triple check to make sure the firearm was properly unloaded before waving it around. Shame on YOU!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is why I don't read the news!!! Not good for the pressure!!! We get enough stress at life itself, we don't need to add to it by reading media!!! Read a good book!!! Or your blog!! I enjoy them!!! AuntieN