Heat Map

Monday, July 28, 2008

Why my blog doesn't work?

Have you ever had that awful experience of you blog links no longer working? The frustrating experience of trying to correct the things that have broken; trying to undo that change that made your blog a waste of Electrons. Well, lets get down to the root of the problem.

The problem is the 'edit html' button. Sounds so simple, but it is true. This little button allows everyone to dabble in places that they shouldn't be putting their fingers. Inside the land of html is a collection of <, > ,/ , {, } , ; and other special characters that have a VERY strong relationship with each other. Meddling in their relationships can quickly lead to complete chaos on your blog. The edit HTML button is like the door to a wood shop, a place where awesome works of art are created but exist a collection of tools that would just as soon lop a finger off as carve against the grain.

Why does this button exist? It is there so we can add cool effects and gadgets to our blogs. We can add bits of JavaScript and CSS expressions that make very interesting things happen. Awesome graphical backgrounds can be added to show case your ideas and opinions. So while some dabbling in this complex language will produce awesome results, others keystrokes will result in a mutiny.

When you find yourself on the receiving end of this programming uprising, here are a couple of hints. Undo what you did, to cause this political coup; unlike people computers are quick to forget that offensive misspelling. If you are unable to undo what you did either because you can't remember or don't know, change your blog layout back to one of the plain ol' layouts provided by your blog site. That should fix most offenses, but should that not work you might be in need of a 'html' relations expert.

Html counseling is available at a coffee shop near you...rates will vary but I tend to charge fuel (caffeine and gasoline) and a sense of humor to counsel and encourage the html relationships behind the scenes in your blog...


Carin said...

funny you should write about this this morning. I didn't mess with the html but for some reason I can't get any paragraph breaks on my blog. Frustrating.

Wrena said...

LOL! Who are you writing to anyway! But great advise for the hobby blogger!