Heat Map

Sunday, February 24, 2008


I have never felt so frustrated with my own intelligence as I do tonight. Just finished up my final exam and even after ten weeks of instruction and homework I do not feel like I have any idea about statistical analysis as it pertains to risk analysis. There is nothing quite like ten weeks of diagrams, flow-charts, probability distribution functions and Monte Carlo simulations to complete suck the gray matter dry of intelligent thoughts. But the one thing that I have learned is that little urban legend about 45% of all statistics being made up, is probably more like 95% of all statistics are calculated from a random number generator. :)

I am off to take a soak and hope that with a little aroma therapy and a tub full of hot water my brain will rehydrate with enough useless knowledge so that I might survive Monday. And if that doesn't work, at least to chase away any nightmares that might arise from the weekend of marinating in probabilities of failure...


Anonymous said...

Hi Carl-
If I start a blog, I would have no time to read all of the blogs that I have to keep up on :) Anyway just letting you know that I do read yours, and normally don't leave comments as I am just a lurker.

Carl said...

I have a Lurker? *GASP* Glad to have you (along with the others) lurking around my blog. I know we all have our share of blogs that we lurk around on. ;)

Wanda, Melania & Mishayla said...

Aromatherapy? I predict there is a100% probability that you will be having a Partylite Candle Party in the near future to replenish your supply (if you don't fall asleep in the bathtub and burn your house down). Statistics can basically be skewed to say or report anything. Just depends on which one you use and how you use it. I barely survived the evidenced based statistical mumbo jumbo that "helps" me to recognize great studies and research.