Heat Map

Sunday, February 10, 2008


I know we all cherish the words of advice that were repetitively forced into our brains by our Mothers, but have you ever wondered if some of that wisdom is, okay I won't say wrong, but not the best words of wisdom? You all know the one about covering your mouth when you cough, right? Well, lately that has become like a huge pet peeve of mine. Have you ever watched someone sneeze or cough? NO? It looks something like this.

The basic look is for the hand to be covering the mouth completely which catches all the disease infested spittle from being sprayed in the general anterior area. Great form, right? Possibly, but the next step is often skipped; The step of cleansing the hand(s). Ugh!

Now lets look at the 'I really don't want my hand to be slimy' form. I love this one, the placing of the hand or the cupped hands about eight inches in front of the mouth. For the love of fluid dynamics! All this does is direct the spittle laced effluent in other directions and still results in the high speed broadcast of all things germ carrying. Lets all say it together, EWWWWWWWWW!

Am I the only person who has thought about all this or have you? Now lets contemplate what happens after the Sneeze, like answering the phone. Cough, pick up the tongs to access the bagels. So while the 'germies' were kept from being broadcast at the speed of a sneeze all over the place they have been strategically placed in high concentration right where some un-expecting person will place their hand. How does that make you feel? Not enough Purell in the universe to protect us. Which by the way I don't recommend using very often, because I feel we need to be exposed to some bacteria on a daily basis to keep the white blood cells suited and booted for battle. But it does have some very good uses and applications.

So what can we do to help from spreading all this disease invested effluents? Well, there was a very good method that was passed on to me by a kindergarten teacher that I dated for awhile. Her solution, which I just happen to think as being VERY in genius, was to cough into your elbow. Might sound a little strange, but the crook of the elbow is typically covered during cold and flu season with a long sleeve shirt, which would make a decent filter. So catching a cough or a sneeze there would help to keep all them germies from spreading very far. Of course, if one was to place their hand on the inside of someone's elbow I guess they could get exposed to the little bad guys. So while I am not expecting everyone to change overnight after I post this, but just some thoughts to pass along. Oh and if you do choose to catch'em in your hands, make sure to cleanse them before you go a touchin' things. *Grin*


Anonymous said...

They actually teach this to the kids in school now. All of my grade schoolers have been converted for a while. Yea! I learned it a long time ago out of nessessity working in the kitchen & at a restrauant. Although I think the crook of the arm is a little awkward...plus I generally wear short sleeves. We go for upper-arm/shoulder area.

Wrena said...


Cheri said...

Funny! We were ALWAYS taught to cough into our arm. Elliot has this method down...but only when he is fake coughing. Does that still count?

Jason and Sue said...

So being the nurse that I am I couldn't help but leave behind little bit of "stop the spread of disease" advice. The current "physician approved" method of covering a sneeze is into the shoulder area ( or upper arm if it is covered in fabric as well) as the fabric tends to absorb any germs rather than spreading them. Think about it...if you have a wet sneeze into your brachial area(inside of elbow), are you not going to want to wipe it with your hand?...or a kleenex for that matter, which you will then wad up in your hand transferring the germs once again to...you guessed it...your hand! I understand this is not fail safe, so washing your hands is a great beginning.

Sorry...I couldn't help myself! Hope all is well!

Carl said...

Hum, lots of good ideas and glad to know that some people are germ aware. Nothing is more disgusting than watching someone sneeze into their hands in the buffet line right before they reach for community utensils. Ok, well maybe having them just sneeze on the glass... :)