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Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Well, there you have it folks, America is FOR SALE to the highest bidder. Now maybe we will find out the hard way who exactly supported his campaign and will start to appreciate just exactly what this will mean to our fine country...

Obama raked in 62,534,907 votes (52%)
McCain held onto 55,456,309 votes (46%)

Good job Obama President Elect, now lets see if you can unite this country and guide us.


Auntie M said...

It's the system - one thing that needs fixed is that the electorial votes need to be doled out according to the percentaages each party carries. Would make elections more accurately reflect the voting of the people.

Carin said...

Yuuupp. I guess the important thing is we all come together as Americans, not as Democrats or Republicans. I hope Obama accomplishes much and gets America on a good path.

That said.... since I voted I guess I am able to do a little complaining now and then.

Wrena said...

you make me laugh reguardless!

Wrena said...

Hu hu hum! where have you gone? I am here to read your words of wisdom and I am left short! I shall return!